Pythonic Virtual Machine
Circuit Reference

Documentation > Circuits


  • Machine - main virtual machine and composites

  • Arithmetics
    • opAdd - sum operator
    • opSub - subtraction operator
    • opMul - multiplication operator
    • opDiv - division operator
    • opLinC - Linear combination operator
    • opPow - power operator
    • opAbs - absolute value operator
  • Comparison
  • Logic
    • NOT - Not gate circuit.
    • AND - And gate circuit.
    • OR - Or gate circuit.
    • XOR - XOrGate gate circuit.
    • NOR - NOrGate gate circuit.
  • Misc

  • Signal Generation
    • waver - sinusoidal wave generator
    • square - square wave generator
    • LJ - Lennard Jones Potential

-Signal Processing

  • Filters
    • SKLP - Sallen-Key lowpass filter
    • SKHP - Sallen-Key highpass filter
    • SKBP - Sallen-Key bandpass filter
    • RCLP - RC lowpass filter
    • RCHP - RC highpass filter
  • Averagers
    • avg - averager circuit.
  • Misc
    • gain - applies a given gain to a signal
    • minmax - outputs max and min values of a signal over a give timespan
    • limiter - clamps a signal between two values
    • derivative - computes the derivative of a signal
    • integral - outputs the integral of a signal
    • delay - delays the signal by a given amount of time
    • peaker - detects the peaks in a signal
    • phasor - computes the delay between one signal becoming positive and the other signal becoming positive
    • flip - outputs a tick when the signal changes from negative to positive.

  • Signal Controllers
    • PI - Proportional-Integral controller
    • PID - Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller

  • Output


-Custom Composites

  • Custom Composites



  • Interpolation
    • i3Dlin - 3d Linear interpolation circuit
    • i1Dlin - 1d Linear interpolation circuit
    • i4Dlin - 4d Linear interpolation circuit
    • i4DlinVasp - 4d Vasp Linear interpolation circuit


-van der Waals Force

  • Van Der Waals force
    • VDW - Van Der waals force circuit

-Miscellaneous Circuits

-Scanning Tunneling Microscope

  • Scanning Tunneling Microscope
    • STM - Scanning Tunneling Microscope Circuit

Documentation > Circuits

Documentation for pyVAFM
Generated on Wed Feb 8 2017 10:13:48 for pyVAFM by doxygen