Pythonic Virtual Machine
i3Dlin Class Reference

Detailed Description


This is the circuit that calculates the interpolation of the provided force field. The force field must be in the following format, but plese note that the interpolation circuit is capable of taking any number of components in.

x y z F1 F2 F3

The force field must also use a constant step size for each dimenson, although the force field can be in any order. The x y and z must also be the index of the point eg: 1 1 1 , 1 1 2 , 1 1 3 etc. When you configure the circuit later on you set the steps size to whatever you want it to be.

  • Initialisation parameters:.
    • Components = Number of components of force in the force field.
    • pushed True|False
  • Initialisation commands:
    • Configure(steps=array, npoints=integer, pbc=True|False, ForceMultipler=float)
      • steps = step size of the force field must be specfied in this format [x,y,z]
      • npoints = number of points in each dimension must be specfied in this format [xn,yn,zn]
      • pbc = Perodic boundray conditions for each dimenson, must be specfied in this format [True|False,True|False,True|False]
      • ForceMultipler = A global multipler for all the force field values, use this to change the units of the force field into what ever units are desired.
    • ReadData(filename = string)
      • Filename is the force field being interpolated.
  • Input channels:
    • x : this is x the coordiante to calculate the interpolation.
    • y : this is y the coordiante to calculate the interpolation.
    • z : this is z the coordiante to calculate the interpolation.
  • Output channels:
    • Fn: The interpolated forces where n is the component for example F1 would be first first component.


1 inter = machine.AddCircuit(type='i3Dlin',name='inter', components=1, pushed=True)
2 inter.Configure(steps=[0.805714285714286,0.805714285714286,0.1], npoints=[8,8,171])
3 inter.Configure(pbc=[True,True,False])
4 inter.Configure(ForceMultiplier=1e10)
5 inter.ReadData('NaClforces.dat')

Inherits Circuit.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from Circuit
 Name of the circuit. More...
 if it is working... More...
 Reference to the virtual machine to which this circuit belongs. More...
 Push output buffer at the end of Update. More...
 Dictionary of input channels.
 Dictionary of output channels.
 index of circuit in cCore

Documentation for pyVAFM
Generated on Wed Feb 8 2017 10:13:49 for pyVAFM by doxygen