Pythonic Virtual Machine
AdvancedCantilever Class Reference

Detailed Description


Advanced cantilever capable of simulating infinite vertical mode and lateral modes.

Initialisation parameters:

  • pushed = True|False push the output buffer immediately if True.
  • NumberOfModesV = The number of vertical modes the cantilever has.
  • NumberOfModesL = The number of lateral modes the cantilever has.

Initialisation commands:

  • .AddMode(Vertical=True|False, k=float, Q=float, M=float, f0 =float)- this is how you add a mode to the cantilever, Vertical = True means a vertical mode, Vertical = False is a lateral. k is the spring constant for that mode, Q is the Q factor, M is the mass although if tis is not included the simulation will calculate a mass for you and f0 is the eigenfrequency of the mode.
  • .StartingPos(x,y,z) - Assigns the starting position from equilibrium for the cantilever.
  • .CantileverReady() - use this command after you are done setting up the cantilever.

Input channels:

  • exciterz = cantilever exciter for the vertical direction.
  • excitery = cantilever exciter for the lateral direction.
  • Holderx = Position of the cantilever holder in the x direction.
  • Holdery = Position of the cantilever holder in the y direction.
  • Holderz = Position of the cantilever holder in the z direction.
  • ForceV = Vertical force experinced by the cantilever.
  • ForceL = Lateral force experinced by the cantilever.

Output channels:

  • zPos = vertical position of the tip.
  • yPos = Lateral positon of the tip.
  • xABS = absoloute x position of the tip.
  • yABS = absoloute y position of the tip.
  • zABS = absoloute z position of the tip.
  • vVx = Velocity of a vertical mode, replace x with the mode number for example vV1.
  • vLx = Velocity of a lateral mode, replace x with the mode number for example vV1.
  • zVx = Z position of a vertical mode, replace x with the mode number for example zV1.
  • YLx = Y position of a lateral mode, replace x with the mode number for example yV1.


1 canti = machine.AddCircuit(type='AdvancedCantilever',name='canti',NumberOfModesV=2,NumberOfModesL=0, pushed=True)
2 canti.AddMode(Vertical=True, k = 1, Q=100, M=1, f0 =1)
3 canti.AddMode(Vertical=True, k = 1, Q=100, M=1, f0 =1)
4 canti.AddMode(Vertical=False, k = 1, Q=100, M=1, f0 =1)
5 canti.StartingPos(0,3,5)
6 canti.CantileverReady()

Inherits Circuit.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from Circuit
 Name of the circuit. More...
 if it is working... More...
 Reference to the virtual machine to which this circuit belongs. More...
 Push output buffer at the end of Update. More...
 Dictionary of input channels.
 Dictionary of output channels.
 index of circuit in cCore

Documentation for pyVAFM
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