
  • 1.2.3:
    • Added:
      • Analytical derivatives for MBTR, thanks to jarnlaak. Note that not all normalization options and geometry functions are supported.

      • Tutorial on how to create visualizations by employing a mapping from descriptor feature space into colors.

  • 1.2.2:
    • Fixed:
      • An issue with Coulomb matrix ordering using sorted_l2 that was introduced in version 1.2.0. See issue #89.

    • Deprecated:
      • The rcut, nmax, and lmax options for SOAP, use r_cut, n_max and l_max instead.

      • The rcut and gcut options for EwaldSumMatrix, use r_cut and g_max instead.

  • 1.2.0:
  • 1.1.0:
    • Added:
      • Support for lmax <= 20 for the SOAP GTO basis.

      • Support for weighting the gaussians contributing to the atomic density. For more details see the updated SOAP tutorial (and issues #20, #58).

      • attach-argument for the derivatives-function (see issue #63).

  • 1.0.0:
    • Added:
      • Possibility to calculate the derivatives of the SOAP descriptor with respect to atom positions. For now, only non-periodic structures are supported. Supports numerical derivatives for any SOAP configuration, and analytical derivatives when using the GTO radial basis.

    • Changed:
      • The periodic attribute now instructs the code to take into account the periodicity of the system as defined by the pbc-attribute the ase.Atoms. So in addition to setting periodic=True in the descriptor, also make your system periodic in the wanted directions through the pbc attribute.

      • The sparse output now uses the sparse matrices from the sparse library-library. This change is motivated by the need for n-dimensional sparse arrays in various places. See more at the documentation page for sparse output.

      • The output shapes have been made more consistent across different descriptors: global descriptors now produce 1D flattened output and local descriptors produce 2D flattened output for a single system. Whenever multiple systems are given, an additional dimension is added that runs across the different systems: for systems with the same number of atoms the output becomes a five-dimensional array, otherwise the output becomes a list of four-dimensional arrays.

  • 0.4.0:
    • Added:
      • Support for different averaging modes in SOAP. See issue #44.

    • Fixed:
      • An issue with the layout of the SOAP descriptor. The output size was incorrectly missing elements. See issue #48.

    • Changed:
      • Migrated completely from Cython to pybind11.

  • 0.3.5:
    • Added:
      • Support for Python 3.8. See issue #40.

  • 0.3.2:
    • Changed:
      • Improved performance for SOAP in combination with very large systems. See issue #31.

  • 0.2.8:
    • Removed:
      • Support for Python 2.