dscribe.descriptors.ewaldsummatrix module

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class dscribe.descriptors.ewaldsummatrix.EwaldSumMatrix(n_atoms_max, permutation='sorted_l2', sigma=None, seed=None, flatten=True, sparse=False)[source]

Bases: dscribe.descriptors.matrixdescriptor.MatrixDescriptor

Calculates an Ewald sum matrix for the a given system.

Each entry M_ij of the Ewald sum matrix will contain the Coulomb energy between atoms i and j calculated with the Ewald summation method. In the Ewald method a constant neutralizing background charge has been added to counteract the positive net charge.

The total electrostatic interaction energy in the system can calculated by summing the upper diagonal part of the matrix, including the diagonal itself.

A screening parameter a controls the width of the Gaussian charge distributions in the Ewald summation, but the final matrix elements will be independent of the value of the screening parameter a that is used, as long as sufficient cutoff values are used.

For reference, see:

“Crystal Structure Representations for Machine Learning Models of Formation Energies”, Felix Faber, Alexander Lindmaa, Anatole von Lilienfeld, and Rickard Armiento, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, (2015), https://doi.org/10.1002/qua.24917


“Ewald summation techniques in perspective: a survey”, Abdulnour Y. Toukmaji, John A. Board Jr., Computer Physics Communications, (1996) https://doi.org/10.1016/0010-4655(96)00016-1


“R.A. Jackson and C.R.A. Catlow. Computer simulation studies of zeolite structure. Mol. Simul., 1:207-224, 1988, https://doi.org/10.1080/08927022.2013.840898

  • n_atoms_max (int) – The maximum nuber of atoms that any of the samples can have. This controls how much zeros need to be padded to the final result.

  • permutation (string) –

    Defines the method for handling permutational invariance. Can be one of the following:

    • none: The matrix is returned in the order defined by the Atoms.

    • sorted_l2: The rows and columns are sorted by the L2 norm.

    • eigenspectrum: Only the eigenvalues are returned sorted by their absolute value in descending order.

    • random: The rows and columns are sorted by their L2 norm after applying Gaussian noise to the norms. The standard deviation of the noise is determined by the sigma-parameter.

  • sigma (float) – Provide only when using the random-permutation option. Standard deviation of the gaussian distributed noise determining how much the rows and columns of the randomly sorted matrix are scrambled.

  • seed (int) – Provide only when using the random-permutation option. A seed to use for drawing samples from a normal distribution.

  • flatten (bool) – Whether the output of create() should be flattened to a 1D array.

  • sparse (bool) – Whether the output should be a sparse matrix or a dense numpy array.

create(system, accuracy=1e-05, w=1, rcut=None, gcut=None, a=None, n_jobs=1, only_physical_cores=False, verbose=False)[source]

Return the Ewald sum matrix for the given systems.

  • system (ase.Atoms or list of ase.Atoms) – One or many atomic structures.

  • accuracy (float) – The accuracy to which the sum is converged to. Corresponds to the variable \(A\) in https://doi.org/10.1080/08927022.2013.840898. Used only if gcut, rcut and a have not been specified. Provide either one value or a list of values for each system.

  • w (float) – Weight parameter that represents the relative computational expense of calculating a term in real and reciprocal space. This has little effect on the total energy, but may influence speed of computation in large systems. Note that this parameter is used only when the cutoffs and a are set to None. Provide either one value or a list of values for each system.

  • rcut (float) – Real space cutoff radius dictating how many terms are used in the real space sum. Provide either one value or a list of values for each system.

  • gcut (float) – Reciprocal space cutoff radius. Provide either one value or a list of values for each system.

  • a (float) – The screening parameter that controls the width of the Gaussians. If not provided, a default value of \(\alpha = \sqrt{\pi}\left(\frac{N}{V^2}\right)^{1/6}\) is used. Corresponds to the standard deviation of the Gaussians. Provide either one value or a list of values for each system.

  • n_jobs (int) – Number of parallel jobs to instantiate. Parallellizes the calculation across samples. Defaults to serial calculation with n_jobs=1. If a negative number is given, the used cpus will be calculated with, n_cpus + n_jobs, where n_cpus is the amount of CPUs as reported by the OS. With only_physical_cores you can control which types of CPUs are counted in n_cpus.

  • only_physical_cores (bool) – If a negative n_jobs is given, determines which types of CPUs are used in calculating the number of jobs. If set to False (default), also virtual CPUs are counted. If set to True, only physical CPUs are counted.

  • verbose (bool) – Controls whether to print the progress of each job into to the console.


Ewald sum matrix for the given systems. The return type depends on the ‘sparse’ and ‘flatten’-attributes. For flattened output a single numpy array or sparse.COO is returned. The first dimension is determined by the amount of systems.

Return type

np.ndarray | sparse.COO

create_single(system, accuracy=1e-05, w=1, rcut=None, gcut=None, a=None)[source]
  • system (ase.Atoms | System) – Input system.

  • accuracy (float) – The accuracy to which the sum is converged to. Corresponds to the variable \(A\) in https://doi.org/10.1080/08927022.2013.840898. Used only if gcut, rcut and a have not been specified.

  • w (float) – Weight parameter that represents the relative computational expense of calculating a term in real and reciprocal space. This has little effect on the total energy, but may influence speed of computation in large systems. Note that this parameter is used only when the cutoffs and a are set to None.

  • rcut (float) – Real space cutoff radius dictating how many terms are used in the real space sum.

  • gcut (float) – Reciprocal space cutoff radius.

  • a (float) – The screening parameter that controls the width of the Gaussians. If not provided, a default value of \(\alpha = \sqrt{\pi}\left(\frac{N}{V^2}\right)^{1/6}\) is used. Corresponds to the standard deviation of the Gaussians.


The total energy matrix. Each matrix element (i, j) corresponds to the total interaction energy in a system with atoms i and j.


system (ase.Atoms | System) – Input system.


Ewald matrix.

Return type
