dscribe.descriptors.matrixdescriptor module¶
Copyright 2019 DScribe developers
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- class dscribe.descriptors.matrixdescriptor.MatrixDescriptor(n_atoms_max, permutation='sorted_l2', sigma=None, seed=None, flatten=True, sparse=False)[source]¶
A common base class for two-body matrix-like descriptors.
- Parameters
n_atoms_max (int) – The maximum nuber of atoms that any of the samples can have. This controls how much zeros need to be padded to the final result.
permutation (string) –
Defines the method for handling permutational invariance. Can be one of the following:
none: The matrix is returned in the order defined by the Atoms.
sorted_l2: The rows and columns are sorted by the L2 norm.
eigenspectrum: Only the eigenvalues are returned sorted by their absolute value in descending order.
random: The rows and columns are sorted by their L2 norm after applying Gaussian noise to the norms. The standard deviation of the noise is determined by the sigma-parameter.
sigma (float) – Provide only when using the random-permutation option. Standard deviation of the gaussian distributed noise determining how much the rows and columns of the randomly sorted matrix are scrambled.
seed (int) – Provide only when using the random-permutation option. A seed to use for drawing samples from a normal distribution.
flatten (bool) – Whether the output of create() should be flattened to a 1D array.
sparse (bool) – Whether the output should be a sparse matrix or a dense numpy array.
- create_single(system)[source]¶
- Parameters
system (
) – Input system.- Returns
- The zero padded matrix either as a 2D array or as
a 1D array depending on the setting self._flatten.
- Return type
- get_eigenspectrum(matrix)[source]¶
Calculates the eigenvalues of the matrix and returns a list of them sorted by their descending absolute value.
- Parameters
matrix (np.ndarray) – The matrix to sort.
- Returns
A list of eigenvalues sorted by absolute value.
- Return type
- abstract get_matrix(system)[source]¶
Used to get the final matrix for this descriptor.
- Parameters
system (
) – Input system.- Returns
The final two-dimensional matrix for this descriptor.
- Return type
- get_number_of_features()[source]¶
Used to inquire the final number of features that this descriptor will have.
- Returns
Number of features for this descriptor.
- Return type
- sort(matrix)[source]¶
Sorts the given matrix by using the L2 norm.
- Parameters
matrix (np.ndarray) – The matrix to sort.
- Returns
The sorted matrix.
- Return type
- sort_randomly(matrix, sigma)[source]¶
Given a coulomb matrix, it adds random noise to the sorting defined by sigma. For sorting, L2-norm is used.
- Parameters
matrix (np.ndarray) – The matrix to randomly sort.
- sigma:
- float: Width of gaussian distributed noise determining how much the
rows and columns of the randomly sorted coulomb matrix are scrambled.
- Returns
The randomly sorted matrix.
- Return type