Valle-Oganov descriptor ======================= Implementation of the fingerprint descriptor by Valle and Oganov :cite:`valle2010crystal` for :math:`k=2` and :math:`k=3` :cite:`bisbo2020global`. Note that the descriptor is implemented as a subclass of MBTR and can also can also be accessed in MBTR by setting the right parameters: see the :doc:`MBTR tutorial `. It is advisable to first check out the :doc:`MBTR tutorial ` to understand the basics of the MBTR framework. The differences compared to MBTR are: - Only geometry functions :code:`distance` and :code:`angle` are available. - A radial cutoff distance :code:`r_cut` is used. - In the grid setup, :code:`min` is always 0 and :code:`max` has the same value as :code:`r_cut`. - Normalization and weighting are automatically set to their Valle-Oganov options. - :code:`periodic` is set to True: Valle-Oganov normalization doesn't support non-periodic systems. - Parameters :code:`species` and :code:`sparse` work similarly to MBTR. Setup ----- Instantiating a Valle-Oganov descriptor can be done as follows: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/ :language: python :lines: 1-11 The arguments have the following effect: .. automethod:: dscribe.descriptors.valleoganov.ValleOganov.__init__ In some publications, a grid parameter :math:`\Delta`, which signifies the width of the spacing, is used instead of :code:`n`. However, here :code:`n` is used in order to keep consistent with MBTR. The correlation between :code:`n` and :math:`\Delta` is :math:`n=(max-min)/\Delta+1=(r_{cutoff})/\Delta+1`. Creation -------- After the descriptor has been set up, it may be used on atomic structures with the :meth:`~.ValleOganov.create`-method. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/ :language: python :start-after: Create :lines: 1-21 The call syntax for the create-function is as follows: .. automethod:: dscribe.descriptors.mbtr.MBTR.create :noindex: The output will in this case be a numpy array with shape :code:`[n_positions, n_features]`. The number of features may be requested beforehand with the :meth:`~.ValleOganov.get_number_of_features`-method. Examples -------- The following examples demonstrate some use cases for the descriptor. These examples are also available in dscribe/examples/ Visualization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following snippet demonstrates how the output for :math:`k=2` can be visualized with matplotlib. Visualization works very similarly to MBTR. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/ :start-after: Visualization :language: python :lines: 1-34 .. figure:: /_static/img/vo_k2.png :width: 1144px :height: 772px :scale: 60 % :alt: Valle-Oganov k=2 :align: center The Valle-Oganov output for k=2. The graphs for Na-Na and Cl-Cl overlap due to their identical arrangement in the crystal. Setup with MBTR class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For comparison, the setup for Valle-Oganov descriptor for the previous structure, but using the MBTR class, would look like the following. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/ :start-after: MBTR setup for the same structure and descriptor :language: python :lines: 1-13 Side by side with MBTR output ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A graph of the output for the same structure created with different descriptors. Also demonstrates how the :ref:`Valle-Oganov normalization ` for k2 term converges at 1. .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/ :start-after: Comparing to MBTR output :language: python :lines: 1-42 .. figure:: /_static/img/vo_mbtr.png :width: 1144px :height: 772px :scale: 60 % :alt: Valle-Oganov and MBTR comparison :align: center Outputs for k=2. For the sake of clarity, the cutoff distance has been lengthened and only the Na-Cl pair has been plotted. .. bibliography:: ../../references.bib :style: unsrt :filter: docname in docnames