Predicting forces and energies a.k.a. training a ML force-field =============================================================== .. note:: We are incrementally adding support for calculating the derivatives of descriptors with respect to the atom positions. In version **1.0.0** you can find an implementation for getting derivatives of non-periodic systems for the SOAP descriptor. This tutorial covers how descriptors can be effectively used as input for a machine learning model that will predict energies and forces. There are several design choices that you have to make when building a ML force-field: which ML model, which descriptor, etc. In this tutorial we will use the following, very simple setup: - Dataset of two atoms interacting through a Lennard-Jones potential. This is pretty much as simple as it gets. Real systems will be much more complicated thus requiring a more complicated machine learning model and longer training times. - SOAP descriptor calculated directly between the two atoms. Once again this is for simplicity and in real systems you would have many more centers, possibly on top of each atom. - We will use a fully connected neural network to perform the prediction. In principle any machine learning method will do, but neural networks can very conveniently calculate the analytical derivatives of the output with respect to the input. This allows us to train an energy prediction model from which we will automatically get the forces as long as we also know the derivatives of the descriptor with respect to the atomic positions. This is exactly what the :code:`derivatives`-function provided by DScribe returns (you will need :code:`dscribe>=1.0.0`). Principle --------- We will use a dataset of feature vectors :math:`\mathbf{D}`, their derivatives :math:`\nabla_{\mathbf{r_i}} \mathbf{D}` and the associated system energies :math:`E` and forces :math:`\mathbf{F}` for training. We will use a neural network :math:`f` to predict the energies: :math:`\hat{E} = f(\mathbf{D})`. Here variables with a "hat" on top indicate predicted quantities to distinguish them from the real values. The predicted forces can be directly computed as the negative gradients with respect to the atomic positions. For example the force for atom :math:`i` can be computed as (using row vectors): .. math:: \hat{\mathbf{F}}_i &= - \nabla_{\mathbf{r_i}} f(\mathbf{D}) \\ &= - \nabla_{\mathbf{D}} f \cdot \nabla_{\mathbf{r_i}} \mathbf{D}\\ &= - \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial f}{\partial D_1} & \frac{\partial f}{\partial D_2} & \dots \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial D_1}{\partial x_i} & \frac{\partial D_1}{\partial y_i} & \frac{\partial D_1}{\partial z_i}\\ \frac{\partial D_2}{\partial x_i} & \frac{\partial D_2}{\partial y_i} & \frac{\partial D_2}{\partial z_i}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ \end{bmatrix} In these equations :math:`\nabla_{\mathbf{D}} f` is the derivative of the ML model output with respect to the input descriptor. As mentioned before, neural networks typically can output these derivatives analytically. :math:`\nabla_{\mathbf{r_i}} \mathbf{D}` is the descriptor derivative with respect to an atomic position. DScribe provides these derivatives for the SOAP descriptor. Notice that in the derivatives provided by DScribe last dimension loops over the features. This makes calculating the involved dot products faster in an environment that uses a row-major order, such as numpy or C/C++, as the dot product is taken over the last, fastest dimension. But you can of course organize the output in any way you like. The loss function for the neural network will contain the sum of mean squared error of both energies and forces. In order to better equalize the contribution of these two properties in the loss function their values are scaled by their variance in the training set. Dataset generation ------------------ .. note:: The code for this tutorial can be found under *examples/forces_and_energies/*. Notice that if you want to run the training yourself, you will need to install `pytorch `_. The following script generates our training dataset: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/forces_and_energies/ :language: python The energies will look like this: .. image:: /_static/img/lj.png :alt: Lennard-Jones energies :align: center :width: 90% Training -------- Let us first load and prepare the dataset: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/forces_and_energies/ :language: python :lines: 1-59 Then let us define our model and loss function: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/forces_and_energies/ :start-at: class FFNet :language: python :lines: 1-32 Now we can define the training loop that uses batches and early stopping to prevent overfitting: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/forces_and_energies/ :start-at: # Train! :language: python :lines: 1-76 Analysis -------- When the training is done (takes around thirty seconds), we can enter the evaluation phase and see how well the model performs. We will simply plot the model response in the whole dataset input domain and compare it to the correct values: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/forces_and_energies/ :start-at: # Way to tell :language: python :lines: 1- The plots look something like this: .. image:: /_static/img/nn_test.png :alt: Lennard-Jones energies :align: center :width: 90%