Derivatives =========== .. note:: Currently, derivatives are only available for the SOAP descriptor. We will incrementally add support for getting the derivatives of other descriptors as well. The descriptor outputs that DScribe provides are typically vectors containing multiple features. Each of these features has a dependency on the positions of atoms in the system, and in particular each feature has a derivative with respect to the x-, y-, and z-components of the position of every atom in the system. Some of the descriptors included in DScribe allow you to calculate these derivatives. The derivatives provide a way to study the effect of different atoms on the output, and in particular they can be used to build machine learning based force-fields, see :doc:`the tutorial on building one `. Call signature -------------- The descriptors for which derivatives have been made available have a new :code:`derivatives`-function, see e.g. :meth:`.SOAP.derivatives`. This function works very similarly to the create function and the typical function call signature looks like this: - :code:`systems`: one or multiple atomic systems - :code:`(positions)`: Optional, for local descriptors. - :code:`include`: Indices of the atoms which should be included in the derivative calculations. If no value is specified, all atoms will be used. - :code:`exclude`: Indices of atoms which should be excluded from the derivative calculations. Use either :code:`include` or :code:`exclude`, not both. - :code:`method`: Possible values are: :code:`analytical`, :code:`numerical` or :code:`auto`. Defaults to :code:`auto`, which means that the most efficient available method is used. In general, analytical derivatives are preferred, since they are faster to compute. However, they are not always available/implemented (check the descriptor documentation). The numerical derivatives are implemented with a centered finite difference scheme that has a good balance between accuracy and speed. - :code:`return_descriptor`: Whether or not to return the descriptor as well. If you anyways need to compute the descriptor, it is typically faster to use this option instead of a separate :code:`create`-call. - :code:`n_jobs`: Number of parallel jobs. Only applicable when multiple systems are provided, upon which the job is split between multiple processes. Layout ------ We have decided to retain as much structure in the derivative output as possible. This approach allows you to better understand the different components, and you still have the option to re-arrange the output as you wish. The derivative output for a single system is organized as follows: - For global descriptors the output is three-dimensional: :code:`[n_atoms, 3, n_features]` - For local descriptors the output is four-dimensional: :code:`[n_centers, n_atoms, 3, n_features]` Here the dimension with :code:`n_centers` loops through the different centers used in a local descriptor, :code:`n_atoms` loops through the atoms for which the derivatives were calculated for, the second-to-last dimension with three components loops through the x, y and z components, and the last dimension with :code:`n_features` loops through the different features. This layout is convenient for calculating the descriptor values, but depending on your application, you may need a different layout. You can quite easily rearrange these dimension with either `np.moveaxis `_ or `sparse.moveaxis `_, or do completely custom layouts with some looping. .. note:: Whenever multiple systems are provided, an additional dimension is added that runs across the different systems: for systems with the same number of atoms the output becomes a five-dimensional array, otherwise the output becomes a list of four-dimensional arrays. If you use the default dense output, the derivatives will be stored in a regular numpy array. Notice that the size of these dense arrays grows very quickly with system size. A good way around this is to use sparse arrays instead by using the :code:`sparse=True` option in the descriptor constructor. In large systems the derivative array will typically become quite sparse, giving significant savings in storage space. Since 1.0.x we have opted to use the `sparse `_-library for all of our sparse outputs, see the :doc:`documentation page on sparse output `.