Contributing ============ Follow these general instructions if you wish to contribute a new descriptor implementation to DScribe: 1. Contact the authors to discuss your idea for a new descriptor implementation. 2. Read the code style guideline (below). 3. Fork the repository and do all modifications within it. 4. Implement the descriptor as a class within a new module in *dsribe/descriptors/*. The descriptor class should inherit from the :class:`.Descriptor`-class. 5. Create new test module for the descriptor with the same module name, but in *dscribe/regtests/*. The tests should be implemented within a new class that inherits from the :class:`.TestBaseClass`-class found in *dscribe/regtests/*. Add the new tests as part of *dscribe/regtests/*. 6. Ensure that your new tests and the existing tests run succesfully. You can run the tests by first installing the developer dependencies by running :code:`pip install -r dscribe/devrequirements.txt`, and then running *dscribe/regtests/*. 7. Create tutorial for the descriptor in *dscribe/docs/src/tutorials*. Follow the structure of the existing tutorials. 8. Create a pull request in GitHub. Code style guideline -------------------- - We follow the `Black code style `_, which is a PEP 8 compliant. The good thing about Black is that you can simply run the autoformatter to ensure that you fullfill the code style. Before committing (or using pre-commit hooks), you should simply run the automatic formatting. Any unformatted code will be caught by the style checks in CI. - Classes and functions should be documented by following the `Google style guide `_ that can be interpreted by the `sphinx Napoleon-extension `_