Source code for dscribe.descriptors.descriptor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Copyright 2019 DScribe developers

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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

from ase import Atoms
from dscribe.core.system import System
from dscribe.utils.species import get_atomic_numbers

from joblib import Parallel, delayed

[docs]class Descriptor(ABC): """An abstract base class for all descriptors. """ def __init__(self, periodic, flatten, sparse): """ Args: flatten (bool): Whether the output of create() should be flattened to a 1D array. """ self.sparse = sparse self.flatten = flatten self.periodic = periodic self._atomic_numbers = None self._atomic_number_set = None self._species = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def create(self, system, *args, **kwargs): """Creates the descriptor for the given systems. Args: system (ase.Atoms): The system for which to create the descriptor. args: Descriptor specific positional arguments. kwargs: Descriptor specific keyword arguments. Returns: np.array | scipy.sparse.coo_matrix: A descriptor for the system. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_number_of_features(self): """Used to inquire the final number of features that this descriptor will have. Returns: int: Number of features for this descriptor. """
[docs] def get_system(self, system): """Used to convert the given atomic system into a custom System-object that is used internally. The System class inherits from ase.Atoms, but includes built-in caching for geometric quantities that may be re-used by the descriptors. Args: system (:class:`ase.Atoms` | :class:`.System`): Input system. Returns: :class:`.System`: The given system transformed into a corresponding System-object. """ if isinstance(system, Atoms): if type(system) == System: return system else: return System.from_atoms(system) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid system with type: '{}'.".format(type(system)) )
@property def sparse(self): return self._sparse @sparse.setter def sparse(self, value): """Sets whether the output should be sparse or not. Args: value(float): Should the output be in sparse format. """ self._sparse = value @property def periodic(self): return self._periodic @periodic.setter def periodic(self, value): """Sets whether the inputs should be considered periodic or not. Args: value(float): Are the systems periodic. """ self._periodic = value @property def flatten(self): return self._flatten @flatten.setter def flatten(self, value): """Sets whether the output should be flattened or not. Args: value(float): Should the output be flattened. """ self._flatten = value def _set_species(self, species): """Used to setup the species information for this descriptor. This information includes an ordered list of unique atomic numbers, a set of atomic numbers and the original variable contents. Args: species(iterable): Chemical species either as a list of atomic numbers or list of chemical symbols. """ # The species are stored as atomic numbers for internal use. atomic_numbers = get_atomic_numbers(species) self._atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers self._atomic_number_set = set(self._atomic_numbers) self._species = species
[docs] def check_atomic_numbers(self, atomic_numbers): """Used to check that the given atomic numbers have been defined for this descriptor. Args: species(iterable): Atomic numbers to check. Raises: ValueError: If the atomic numbers in the given system are not included in the species given to this descriptor. """ # Check that the system does not have elements that are not in the list # of atomic numbers zs = set(atomic_numbers) if not zs.issubset(self._atomic_number_set): raise ValueError( "The following atomic numbers are not defined " "for this descriptor: {}" .format(zs.difference(self._atomic_number_set)) )
[docs] def create_parallel(self, inp, func, n_jobs, output_sizes=None, verbose=False, prefer="processes"): """Used to parallelize the descriptor creation across multiple systems. Args: inp(list): Contains a tuple of input arguments for each processed system. These arguments are fed to the function specified by "func". func(function): Function that outputs the descriptor when given input arguments from "inp". n_jobs (int): Number of parallel jobs to instantiate. Parallellizes the calculation across samples. Defaults to serial calculation with n_jobs=1. output_sizes(list of ints): The size of the output for each job. Makes the creation faster by preallocating the correct amount of memory beforehand. If not specified, a dynamically created list of outputs is used. verbose(bool): Controls whether to print the progress of each job into to the console. backend (str): The parallelization method. Valid options are: - "processes": Parallelization based on processes. Uses the "loky" backend in joblib to serialize the jobs and run them in separate processes. Using separate processes has a bigger memory and initialization overhead than threads, but may provide better scalability if perfomance is limited by the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). - "threads": Parallelization based on threads. Has bery low memory and initialization overhead. Performance is limited by the amount of pure python code that needs to run. Ideal when most of the calculation time is used by C/C++ extensions that release the GIL. Returns: np.ndarray | scipy.sparse.csr_matrix | list: The descriptor output for each given input. The return type depends on the desciptor setup. """ # Split data into n_jobs (almost) equal jobs n_samples = len(inp) n_features = self.get_number_of_features() is_sparse = self._sparse k, m = divmod(n_samples, n_jobs) jobs = (inp[i * k + min(i, m):(i + 1) * k + min(i + 1, m)] for i in range(n_jobs)) # Calculate the result in parallel with joblib if output_sizes is None: output_sizes = n_jobs*[None] static_size = False else: static_size = True def create_multiple(arguments, func, is_sparse, n_features, n_desc, index, verbose): """This is the function that is called by each job but with different parts of the data. """ # Initialize output if n_desc is None: results = [] else: if is_sparse: data = [] rows = [] cols = [] else: results = np.empty((n_desc, n_features), dtype=np.float32) offset = 0 i_sample = 0 old_percent = 0 n_samples = len(arguments) for i_sample, i_arg in enumerate(arguments): i_out = func(*i_arg) if n_desc is None: results.append(i_out) else: if is_sparse: data.append( rows.append(i_out.row + offset) cols.append(i_out.col) else: results[offset:offset+i_out.shape[0], :] = i_out offset += i_out.shape[0] if verbose: current_percent = (i_sample+1)/n_samples*100 if current_percent >= old_percent + 1: old_percent = current_percent print("Process {0}: {1:.1f} %".format(index, current_percent)) if n_desc is not None and is_sparse: data = np.concatenate(data) rows = np.concatenate(rows) cols = np.concatenate(cols) results = coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=[n_desc, n_features], dtype=np.float32) return (results, index) vec_lists = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, prefer=prefer)(delayed(create_multiple)(i_args, func, is_sparse, n_features, n_desc, index, verbose) for index, (i_args, n_desc) in enumerate(zip(jobs, output_sizes))) # Restore the caluclation order. If using the threading backend, the # input order may have been lost. vec_lists.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # Remove the job index vec_lists = [x[0] for x in vec_lists] if static_size is True: if self._sparse: row_offset = 0 data = [] cols = [] rows = [] n_descs = 0 for i, i_res in enumerate(vec_lists): n_descs += i_res.shape[0] i_res = i_res.tocoo() i_n_desc = i_res.shape[0] i_data = i_col = i_res.col i_row = i_res.row data.append(i_data) rows.append(i_row + row_offset) cols.append(i_col) # Increase the row offset row_offset += i_n_desc # Saves the descriptors as a sparse matrix data = np.concatenate(data) rows = np.concatenate(rows) cols = np.concatenate(cols) results = coo_matrix((data, (rows, cols)), shape=[n_descs, n_features], dtype=np.float32) # The final output is transformed into CSR form which is faster for # linear algebra results = results.tocsr() else: results = np.concatenate(vec_lists, axis=0) else: results = [] for part in vec_lists: results.extend(part) return results
def _check_system_list(self, lst): def iterable(obj): try: iter(obj) except Exception: return False else: return True if iterable(lst): self.get_system(lst[0]) else: raise ValueError("Input is neither System, nor ase.Atoms object nor is it iterable") return